Ahli Microfinance Company - Ahli Microfinance Company Contributes Closely To Supporting The Distance Education Process

Ahli Microfinance Company Contributes Closely To Supporting The Distance Education Process

Apr 1, 2021

In line with the celebrations of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on the occasion of the centenary of its founding, and in order to always provide the best in all fields and levels, and in a spirit of believing in the importance of education and the need to keep pace with developments and changes in light of the current circumstances,  Ahli Microfinance Company has coordinated with the directorates of education in several regions to provide disadvantaged students in outstation areas with tablets to help them attend online schoolings and follow-up with lessons.

And because the company is keen to support the local communities by launching community campaigns that contribute positively, even in a simple way, it donated 60 tablets to a number of students whose families do not have the financial ability to afford the means for distance study.


Dr. Ahmed Awad Al-Hussein, Chairman of Directors’ Board in Ahli Microfinance Company, said: “The company believes in the importance of the pivotal role of the microfinance sector in development in all fields in the Kingdom, as it equips the community with opportunities to develop the standard of living and enhances various skills, including educational, which represents the foundation for community growth. ".

While Mr. Marwan Shehatit, General Manager of Ahli Microfinance Company, stressed the need to keep pace with changes in light of the Corona pandemic and to work together to reduce any repercussions or damage that may be reflected in the long term on society, including education for the basic levels, saying: “While implementing our vision and strategic plans for this year, despite all the challenges that the Kingdom is facing, we are keen to work on pursuits that ensure minimizing the negative consequences of the Corona pandemic. It’s worth mentioning that this initiative took place in the following areas: Theban, Giza, the Southern Jordan Valley, the Southern Badia, the Qasbah of Amman, and Aqaba.

It is noteworthy that Ahli Microfinance Company is one of the Jordan Ahli Bank’s companies that was established in 1999. And it is a company working in the field of microfinance and is considered the first microfinance company in the private sector that is concerned about supporting and empowering young entrepreneurs, women and productive low-income earners of micro and small enterprises. It helps them by creating self-employment job opportunities that contribute to creating productive societies with improved economic, social, health, and educational levels, which will positively reflect on the level of well-being of the Jordanian society as a whole.